Tomko Woll Group Architects Inc devises spaces to meet clients’ needs - no criterion is too specialized

Amgen Labs

Thousand Oaks, CA

Client: Amgen

TWG has provided numerous wet lab renovations and relocations, office remodeling, feasibility studies, and even a church relocation (to make way for a new Amgen building) for the burgeoning biotech firm that maintains its global headquarters in Thousand Oaks. The most recent Amgen project involved developing an entirely new imaging suite within an existing research building that remained fully operational during construction.

The new suite included a room for one large-scale MRI and two smaller scanning rooms – one performing PET scans; the other, SPEC-T. The work effectively isolates and separates various functions from pre-existing operations, including cage-handling as well as the care of irradiated specimens.

8563 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90034    ph 310 837 0115     fax 310 837 7540